Sunday, January 27, 2008

Why Doing an MBA Degree Online or Regular MBA From The Private University Ensures usually a Highly Paid Job?

"Amidst all the rumors around, that they charge hefty amount as a fee and suck our hard earned money in the name of Management Education". In light of this, is an MBA from the Private University really worth? The answer of this desperate question lies in mere three characters; that is “YES”. The next question is, why? Answer is,
Because, They have their Robust Self-Sustained Educational Business Model in place.
This is one of the most critical and striking questions arising out in the minds of almost all the worried parents and guardians whose children by what any reason could not make it to the top institutions for further studies immediately after they passed-out their Graduations / 12th standard Board Exam. This delicate situation most parents face especially when it comes to take decision to secure admission for their children into the Right MBA / BBA program from the Right Institute / University in the second left slot after the premium institutions.
See How a Degree MBA online or a Regular MBA Program from Private Institute/University is a safe investment for Your Child's Assured Future That Too Without Immediate Financial Burden On You:
Now have a kind look here and see how exactly the private MBA Institutes/Universities execute the whole process successfully?

The whole process of MBA Degree Online or Regular MBA Programs successful Educational Business model works this way:
The reputed Private Universities/Institutes have their own fee structure for the MBA programs they offer, and often charge a hefty amount as a fee from the students. The discerning parents/guardians are seen more willing to pay without raising even a single question to the institute’s authorities. But the large army of parents/guardians is often found to be clueless and think as to why so much high fee is being charged in these institutions which is in most of the cases found to be unaffordable for them.

To solve this problem and to make the process move on, there is an untold syndication among the four main parties involved which, as depicted in the above diagram, are the Banks/Financial institutions, parents/guardians/students, private institutes/universities and the Industry as a whole.
it has been observed that it is their concerted efforts that are making the whole business model super successful year after year. Interesting fact is that all the four main parties involved are in a win-win situation and are immensely benefited with this arrangement. The Two additional parties, which are Faculty& Staff and Alumni Club, whose cycle complete itself with the institute/university with which they are attached, are also share the spill-over benefits of this arrangement.
The Banks/financial institutions provide an easy and hassle-free educational loans to the parents/guardians for their children, thereby, these banks get a bulk of business and are able to tap the future interest income in the event/ or when the students repay the loans after completing their MBA programs and securing a job.
The Guardians Benefits While Enrolling their children in MBA degree Online or Regular MBA Programs:
In this way, on the one hand, Parents/guardians are able to provide an on-demand quality education to their children without actually any direct & immediate financial burden on their part and ensure a secured and lucrative career for their children, on the other hand. The Private MBA institutes/universities having the premium fee structure in place for their MBA program offerings, are able to retain the pool of best faculty available in the Industry. They are able to maintain the world-class infrastructure, a Hi-tech campus facilities, and above all, a conductive ambience for the students learning.
The University/Institute's Benefits Conducting MBA Degree Online or Regular MBA Programs:
These institutes are, not only able to comfortably afford the expenses on some non-academic yet most important activities like forming a mandatory Alumni club, but also, able to maintain a strong industry interface and the Public-Relations. These activities are now assuming a greater significance in these institutions these days as it helps the institute to make the necessary modifications in curriculum time to time based on changes in the industry’s requirements. The change in syllabus / MBA course content is made possible in a common platform through alumni club wherein institutes pass-outs who are scattered and well placed in different industries at various authoritative levels around the globe, act as the institutes ambassadors, share their respective industry's knowledge and suggesting, if any fine-tuning is needed in any area of management education that they deem fit, and they think, it should be instilled in the young minds and future industry managers right away while in the campus. In this way, on the one hand, Institute is able to ensure a 100% placement at the higher pay-package to their graduating students and an opportunity to strengthen its brand name in the market, on the other hand.
The Industry as a whole has always been seen generous in their offerings, wooing the quality & talented MBA graduates by offering an attractive & high pay-packets. Companies are now recognizing their human resource pool as an important and critical asset.
Because it is well understood by them that their business success and profitability largely depend on the quality of human resources they have and also, are well aware that the investment on employee’s expense head form typically mere 3-5% of their business sales turn-over that may usually run in millions/billions of dollars. So they are willingly happier to invest more on quality MBA graduates as their business drivers to ensure even more returns in the form of their business sales turn-over vis-à-vis the profitability.
The old graduated students who have already left a successful winning streak and set a benchmark to the fresh graduating MBAs from these institutes, have, by now, often occupied senior executive positions, and are in the squad of decision making body, representing different organizations belonging to various sectors of Industries, support tacitly the institute’s placement efforts for fresh graduating MBAs by inducting them at higher salary/pay-packets in their respective organizations.
Many times the hunt for best talents infuse the intense competition among various hiring companies and MBAs get full advantage of this situation and usually get higher pay /salary offer.
In this way, the whole process of this educational-business-model becomes a super successful venture.
Now, we saw as to how the classic inter-linkages of above four main parties and their concerted efforts work, wherein each one is in win-win situation and keep the process on and on:

The Government too feels elated with this successful model as they think they have discharged a good social responsibility towards the general public by simply encouraging state-owned banks/financial institutions to offer easy educational loans to parents/guardians on behalf of students. The Government also knows this effort contributes to the economic development of the country in one way or the other.
So, dear parents/guardians, there is no need to worry about the finances for your children’s MBA education, go ahead to choose a reputed MBA institute/University, be it a private or a state-owned. Act quickly to secure the admission in MBA program for your child and grab the advantage of opportunity lies in your hands.
All The success to your Endeavor,

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